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What is a Casino?


A casino is an establishment that offers the opportunity for people to gamble on games of chance and win money. It can include slot machines, table games such as blackjack and poker, and other gambling activities. Casinos are often located in or combined with hotels, restaurants, retail shopping, and/or cruise ships. They may also be found in racetracks and at racinos, where they are called “racinos”. Casinos earn billions of dollars each year for the companies, investors, and Native American tribes that own them. They also generate taxes and other fees for local governments.

A casinos primary source of revenue comes from the profits generated by the games of chance they offer. Most games have a built-in advantage for the house that can be small (less than two percent), but it adds up over time and the millions of bets placed by casino patrons. This advantage is known as the house edge or vig. Casinos also make money by giving out complimentary items to gamblers. This is known as comping. Free hotel rooms, buffets and show tickets are common comps. Some casinos even give away limo service and airline tickets to high rollers.

To reduce the possibility of cheating and stealing, casinos invest a significant amount of time and money in security. Floor managers and security guards monitor the casino to look for blatant behavior like palming, marking or switching cards or dice. Elaborate surveillance systems allow casinos to watch the entire gaming area at once. They can also monitor individual tables or windows and quickly discover any statistical deviation from expected results.